West and Park Family History
Surname List: Begins with A
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[no surname] ( - ? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z [
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All surnames beginning with A, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):
1. Abbott (179) 2. Abbott or Mouland * (1) 3. Abbott Tulk (1) 4. Abel (1) 5. Ackerman (1) 6. Adams (8) 7. Adams-Leyte (1) |
8. Ahern (2) 9. Aide (1) 10. Alfano (4) 11. Alfano-Hughes (2) 12. Allen (7) 13. Allen ? (1) 14. Alter (1) |
15. Anderson (7) 16. Andrews (15) 17. Angel (18) 18. Angell (24) 19. Anstey (1) 20. Anthony (5) 21. Appel (2) |
22. Arcarola (5) 23. Armstrong (6) 24. Arnold (2) 25. Ash (2) 26. Ashton (1) 27. Asselin (1) 28. Atkins (1) |
29. Attwood (4) 30. Atwood (1) 31. Austin (1) 32. Auston (1) 33. Avery (7) |