West and Park Family History

Ambrose Sparkes

Ambrose Sparkes

Male Abt 1776 - 1855  (79 years)

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  • Name Ambrose Sparkes  [1
    Birth Abt 1776  Hampshire, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Death 30 Apr 1855  Bull Cove, Port de Grave, Newfoundland Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Burial 3 May 1855  Bull Cove, Port de Grave, Newfoundland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • No headstone
    • The announcement of the death of Ambrose Sparks in 1855 indicated he was a native of Hampshire, but the land records indicate his father and grandfather were living here and passed down land.
      Was there more than one Ambrose Sparks? One born in England to Ambrose Sparks and Betty Durndle and one born in Newfoundland to John?
    • The Patriot and Terra-Nova Herald, May 7, 1855, Page 2

      DIED Column
      "At Bull Cove, on the 30th ult., after a long and painful illness, which he bore with resignation to the Divine will, Mr. Ambrose Sparks, a native of Hampshire, England, aged 79 years."

      Source: https://collections.mun.ca/digital/collection/the_patriot/id/1899/rec/33
    • Ambrose Sparkes' will:
      In the name of God Amen
      __ day of September in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifty
      I Ambrose Sparkes Senior of Bull Cove in the Island of Newfoundland, Planter being sound and perfect both of body and mind and of perfect memory, thanks be given to Almighty God, knowing that it is appointed unto all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament; that is to say principally and first of all, I give and recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it, and my body I recommend to the earth, to be buried in decent Christian burial, at the [discretion] of my executors nothing doubting but at the general [resurrection] I shall decide the same again by the Almighty power of God. And as touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I give demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form
      First, I give to my son Ambrose the eastern part of my plantation at Bull Cove on which is at present erected a Stage and Store and flake to extend twenty yards from the seaside North bounded on the West by the premises I give to my son Stephen as hereinafter particularly described. I also give to my son Ambrose part of the school House meadow bounded on the East by the Calves pen meadow in the west by a large Juniper tree as also one half of the calves pen meadow as it is now in his possession. Secondly, I give to my son Stephen all that part or parcel of land and premises that he now occupies and possesses with all and singular the erections thereon also all the large flake with all the land that I now possess to the East of the main road exclusive of one half of the large square of Potato ground and the two fruits gardens. I also give unto him my son Stephen the whole of the dwelling house I now occupy and the Western part of the school House meadow bounded on the East by the part given to my Son Ambrose as before described in this Instrument as also the Western fruit garden after the decease of my wife Anne. Thirdly I give to my son Moses all the land and premises he now holds and occupies with all and singular the erections thereon as also all the Water Side flake, and the half of the large square of the Potato ground West of that part given to my son Stephen and also the meadow ground West of the premises now occupied by the said Moses.
      Fourthly I give to my son John one four and a half feet sealing gun and I further give to my beloved wife Ann the two fruit gardens all the cattle furniture and all the moveable articles of property in and about the premises during her natural life and whatever of the said cattle or furniture or other articles that may remain after her decease is to be given to my son Stephen and also it is my particular wish and desire that no part of the land or premises given to either of my Sons as mentioned in the foregoing instrument shall either be sold or Mortgaged or in any way transferred from either of the family. Fifthly and lastly I do appoint Mr. Thomas Godden of Harbour Grace Merchant and Mr. Thomas Ash of the same place Planter to be my Executors to this my last will and testament and I do hereby utterly disallow reverse *** all and former wills legacies bequests and Executors by my in any ways before executed willed and staments bequeathed by me and confirming that this to be my last will and testament In *** Witness thereof I hereunto set my hand and Seal the day and year first written
      Signed Sealed and Published pronounced and declared by the said Ambrose Sparkes Senior as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us
      his Ambrose X Sparkes Senior mark
      Henry Trapnell Thos. Godden
      This deponent Thomas Godden of Harbor Grace Merchant maketh oath and saith that he this deponent was present and *** * saw Ambrose Sparks Senior sign by putting his mark thereth and seal and deliver the within paper writing as and for his last Will and Testament of the day of the date thereof at which time the said Ambrose Sparks was of sound mind and memory and of perfect understanding at which time also this deponent together with Henry Trapnell subscribed their names thereth as Witnesses attesting the due execution thereof. Sworn to at Harbor Grace
      this Twenty third day of
      November A.D. 1855 before
      {signed} John Starkes Registrar of Deeds
      I hereby certify that the execution of the within Will by the Testator Ambrose Sparks Senior appears by the affidavit of Thomas Godden, enclosed herein, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto to have been proved before myself on the Twenty third day of November one thousand eight hundred and fifty five - the same Will was deposited in my office on the same last named day And that a true and correct Copy of the same Will has this day in due course **** been registered by me in the Fourteenth Volume at page 190-191 and 192 of the Registry of Deeds of the Northern District of Newfoundland
      Given under my hand at the Registrar of Deeds office Harbor Grace this Third day of December one thousand eight hundred and fifty five A.D. 1855
      {signed} John Starkes Chief Clerk and Registrar Northern Circuit Court Registrar of Deeds

    • Plantation records 1804:
      Ambrose Sparks, son to William Sparks, 32 yards from E.to W. bounded on the E. by James Goushon on the W. by John Morgan 130 yds. from H.W.M. to the Northward bounded on the south by the woods. 1 Stage 1 Flake 1 House 1 Garden, located in Brigus, owned by William Sparks by deed of gift from his grandfather, current resident A. Sparks, built, 1804

      Credit: Family History Society of Newfoundland and Labrador and Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador, GN169, Reel 4, Volume 13, page 108, Conception Bay Plantation Book, typescript copy
    • Be it known to all men that I, William Sparks, planter in Brigus, Conception Bay, Newfoundland, and I. Ambrose Sparks, son of the above named William Sparks, for and in consideration of the sum of thirty four pounds lawful money of Great Britain which we acknowledge ourselves justly owing and indebted to Mark Brokenshire of Brigus do hereby for ourselves and heirs and assigns make over, assign and convey to hire the said Mark Brokenshire his heirs and assigns all our Right, Title, and Interest in and to a fishing room, lying being and situated in Brigus aforesaid which we now occupy and possess being the same and previously occupied by John Sparks, father of the said William Sparks, extending on the water side fifty none yards bounded on the East by the rooms now in possession of James Gushue, deceased his widow, and the west by the rooms in possession of Thomas Sparks, also I William Sparks, and I, Ambrose Sparks, do make over and convey unto Mark Brokenshire all moveable property, chattels, and goods of whatever nature sort or description for the said debt due Mark Brokenshire and we the aforesaid William Sparks and Ambrose Sparks having of ourselves good right, full power and lawful custody to sell, make over and convey the said property, hereby warrant and defend and agree hereafter to defend the said Mark Brokenshire in quiet possession of the same against the claims and demands of any person or persons whatsoever to which we have herewith signed our hands and affixed our seals this twenty fifth day of November one thousand eight hundred and twenty. Brigus, Conception Bay, Newfoundland, In presence of James __ Harris. X mark signed by William and Ambrose Sparks.
      Credit: Family History Society of Newfoundland and Labrador and Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador GN169 Reel 6, Volume 19 page 280.
    Person ID I3086  West & Park Genealogy
    Last Modified 20 Jan 2025 

    Father William Sparkes 
    Family ID F997  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Ann Noulle or Newell,   b. 1778, Bull Cove, Port de Grave, Newfoundland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1853, Bull Cove, Port de Grave, Newfoundland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 75 years) 
    Marriage 1804 
    +1. Ambrose Sparkes,   b. 1804, Bull Cove, Port de Grave, Newfoundland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 23 Oct 1881, Bull Cove, Port de Grave, Newfoundland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 77 years)
     2. James Sparkes,   b. 6 Oct 1806   d. 8 Oct 1806 (Age 0 years)
     3. Elizabeth Sparkes   d. 27 Dec 1807
    +4. John Sparkes,   b. 23 May 1810, Brigus, Newfoundland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 19 Nov 1880, Harbour Grace, Newfoundland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 70 years)
    +5. Stephen Sparkes,   b. 9 Nov 1812, Bull Cove, Port de Grave, Newfoundland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 27 Feb 1886 (Age 73 years)
    +6. Moses Sparkes,   b. 1814, Bull Cove, Port de Grave, Newfoundland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1 Nov 1880 (Age 66 years)
     7. Baby Girl Sparkes,   b. Abt Jul 1817   bur. 12 Apr 1818 (Age ~ 0 years)
    Family ID F996  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 12 Jan 2024 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - Abt 1776 - Hampshire, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - 30 Apr 1855 - Bull Cove, Port de Grave, Newfoundland Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBurial - 3 May 1855 - Bull Cove, Port de Grave, Newfoundland Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Documents
    Assignment of ownership of plantation of Ambrose Sparks and William Sparks to Mark Brokenshire to settle debt owed, 25 Nov 1820
    Assignment of ownership of plantation of Ambrose Sparks and William Sparks to Mark Brokenshire to settle debt owed, 25 Nov 1820
    Transcription available in Notes for Ambrose Sparks and William Sparks

  • Sources 
    1. [S32] FSHNL.
      Credit: Family History Society of Newfoundland and Labrador and Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador, GN169, Reel 4, Volume 13, page 108, Conception Bay Plantation Book, typescript copy

    2. [S31] Matthews Files.
      1855 30 apr express MR AMBROSE died bull cove age 79 native of HAMPSHIRE