West and Park Family History


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 #   Notes   Linked to 
701 WHITE, Marie Peacefully at home on Tuesday, February 22, 2011 at the age of 84. Loving mother of Don Langdon (Daisy). Dear grandmother of Shane (Carmela), Blaine, Jeremy (Katherine) and Keir. Great-grandmother of Veronica, Isabella, William and Jack. She will be missed by her many nieces and nephews. A Memorial Mass will be held at Holy Cross Church, 685 Walkley Rd. on Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 10 am. The family would like to thank Drs. Splinter and Coulombe and the Bayshore Nursing staff for their compassionate care. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Hospice at May Court or Roger's House. Weste, Marion Dulcie (I1378)
702 Will of James Kirby
from Newfoundland will books volume 13 page 361 probate year 1926
In re
This is the last will and testament of me, James Kirby of St. John’s West, Gentleman made by me on this the fourteenth day of December in the year of our Lord One thousand nine hundred and twenty five.
I hereby revoke all former wills made by me.
I bequeath to Mary Murphy my Step daughter, all my goods chattels lands and all things whatsoever I possess and appoint her executrix of this my will.
Signed Published and Declared by the testator as and for his last will and testament by making his mark in the presence of us (it having been first read over and explained to him in our presence & in the presence of each other) who in his presence & in the presence of each other hereunto subscribe our names as witnesses.
Mary Murphy.
T. P. Halley.
William F. Lloyd
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland.
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Fiat May 6/26
Kent J.
Probate granted
to Mary Murphy
May 17/26.
Estate sworn
at $1200.00
Kirby, James (I6536)
703 Will of John Flood from Newfoundland will books volume 5 page 634-635 probate year 1892

Last will and testament of
John Flood of Holyrood Fisherman deceased.

On the first of April one thousand eight hundred and ninety I John Flood of Holyrood Conception Bay in the Island of Newfoundland been of sound mind and memory do make this my last will and testament. Firstly I give devise bequeath unto daughter Catrine (Kate) all my land that lie to the north east of my fresh fish flake or a large rock near the street road on line by the wood at the north east edge of clear land near my present cellar to my back fence of my sea shore farm also half my land lying south east of the back fence to a point in a marsh as from here (this point) is to be my grandsons, this half is the north east part from my back fence of my inside farm to the main or postal road all my land lying to North East of the car road leading through my farm from the said back fence to a single tree at the angle of the said road on the edge of the inside hill and from the said tree on line to the main road this line to be right angle with the main road. I also give and bequeath to my daughter Catrine (Kate) including dwelling and outhouses thereon except a piece lying close by the main road and north east of the car road known as Flood's path end I give and bequeath to my grandson John son of (Edward Flood)
I give and bequeath to my son John the remaining part of my sea shore farm lying to the south west side of the said line and continuing on the south west side by Edward's ???????? ?? West. Also from the ??? fence of my ??? to the main road all the land lying south of the road from the said fence to the single tree before mentioned and also that piece south of the line mentioned to the main road also my house store and cellar on my said coast farm is to my son John's.
I give and bequeath to my two grandchildren of Edward that piece of land between my back fence of my inner place and the point mentioned in the marsh. Thomas is to have the north part and William the south part. The road leading from the main road to the rail road also the beaches and all the land lying north west of the street road is to be free to all those heirs including my son Edward. I give and bequeath to my two daughters Eliza & Ellen four dollars each to be paid them by my son John and daughter Kate. (Sgd) John his x mark Flood) LS) Signed & sealed in presence of us first read over & explained witness (Sgd) Michl Rourke (sgd) John Rourke.

Cod to will. On the 14th Ap. 1891 I John Flood of Holyrood been of sound mind & memory I also give and bequeath unto my daughter Catrine with the above bequeath my cattle one cow, 3 bullocks (2 two years, one, one years) my daughter Kate is to dispose off two of bullocks and give the proceed to have mass for my soul. Also my horse and all my farm implements (sgd) John his x mark Flood (LS) Signed & sealed in presence of us first read over & explained. (Sgd) Michl Rourke (sgd) John his x mark Harding. Witness.

I certify the foregoing to be a correct copy of last will and testament of John Flood


(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
J. I. Little J.

Admin C. T. A
granted to
Flood of
30 Sept. 1892
sworn under
Flood, John (I2859)
704 Will of John Kirby
from Newfoundland will books vol 11 page 168 probate year 1918

In re John Kirby deceased

This is the last will of me John Kirby Brazils Sq. St. John's I will bequeath and devise the house No. 57 Brazils Sq. with all the furniture etc. it contains to my wife Jane Kirby signed John his X mark Kirby J. J. McDermott Lizzie Kirby Witnesses March 26th 1909.

Correct Charles H. Emerson
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland.

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Aug 1/18
C. J.
adm c.t.a.
Aug 12/18
granted to
P. Kirby
Kirby, John Thomas (I1220)
705 Will of John Sparks
from Newfoundland will books volume 4 pages 128-129 probate year 1881

In re
John Sparks deceased.

In the name of God Amen. The twelfth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine I John Sparks of Harbour Grace in the Island of Newfoundland planter and carpenter being sound and perfect both of body and mind and of perfect memory thanks be given to Allmighty God knowing that it is appointed unto all men once to die do make and order this my last will and testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of Allmighty God that gave it and my body recommend to the earth to be buried in decent Christian burial of my two sons Ruben and Thomas nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Allmighty power of God and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life I give demise and dispose of the same in the following manner

first i give to my son William the house he now occupies and back yard and walk from the front door to the road

Second I give to my son Ruben the cabbage garden he occupied now joining the land his house stands on adding ten feet more to the westward with it allso that piece of that land the north side of the road bond by Sheppards fence eastward Northward by Snow and Ash

Third I give to my son Thomas the house i now possesses the back yard and garden south of the house the west part the garden bound by the road North and my son Ruben east allso that piece of land the north side of the road bound to the east by my son Ruben North by Ash west by the road leading to Salavins Hill this is my last will and testament whereas i set my hand and seal pronounced and declared by the said John X Sparks. Witness Stephen Sparks Senr. Stephen X Sparks Junr.

Certified correct,
D. M. Browning
Sparkes, John (I3872)
706 Will of John Wareham
from Newfoundland will books volume 9 page 454 probate year 1912

In re
John Wareham deceased.

This is the last will and Testament of me, John Wareham of Gunners Cove Southside St. John’s, Newfoundland fisherman. I give and bequeath to my wife Dina Wareham all the property goods and effects whatsoever of which I stand possessed to have and enjoy the same during her lifetime after the death of my said wife the house in which I now reside shall go to my daughter Lilian but in case the said Lilian Wareham shall die before her mother then the house shall become the property of my sons, Edward, Joshua and John.
After the death of my said wife all the traps and fishing gear of which I am possessed shall be divided equally between my said sons and if any of my sons shall die before my said wife their share shall go to their personal representatives. All the money in my possession I leave to my wife absolutely provided that she shall pay annually for ten years my subscription of two dollars ($2.00) to the St. Marys Church Extension Fund.
I appoint the Reverend Henry Uphill executor of this my last will and testament Signed by me the said John Wareham at St. John’s this 15th day of December A.D. 1911 in the presence of the undersigned witnesses who in my presence and in the presence of each other have signed the same as witnesses John Wareham witness to the signature of John Wareham Henry Uphill Chas. E Hunt.

Certified correct,
D. M. Browning
Wareham, John (I1230)
707 William Aubrey Ellsworth
November 21, 1932 - January 16, 2023

It is with broken hearts that the family of the late Aubrey Ellsworth announce his passing on January 16, 2023 at the age of 90 years. Aubrey is predeceased by the love of his life, Mabel on Christmas Eve, 2022. His parents Arthur and Moriah Ellsworth, sister Alma Brake, brother Ashley Ellsworth, Parents in law Herbert and Annie Wheeler, sisters-in-law: Elizabeth Ellsworth, June Wheeler, Lorraine Wheeler, Edith Wheeler and Ruby House, brothers in law: Jerry Brake, John Mason, Wallace Park, Prescott Anderson, Reginald Wheeler, Thomas Wheeler, Ralph Wheeler and Hollis Wheeler, and Son in law Frank Parsons Jr.

Leaving to mourn with fond and loving memories are his children Derek (Laura), Rhona Parsons, Gordon (Barbara), Alan (Glynis) and Pamela Gale (Glen). His grandchildren: Peter (Shannon) Ellsworth (Aiden & Avery), Graham (Allison) Ellsworth, Christopher (Julie) Parsons (Abbigail), Philip (Ashley) Parsons (Teigan & Ryan), Maria (Don) Simank (John & Noah), Travis (Veronica) Gale (Sarah, Allie & Raya), Brock (Jo-Annah) Gale, Jessica (Roger) Gale (Chase & Marissa), Mark (Amanda) Ellsworth (Meghan & Claire), Roger (Kayla) Ellsworth (Sophia & Madison), Melanie (Matthew) Rankin (Henry & Harrison), Matthew (Holly) Ellsworth. Sisters: Fern Mason, Anna (Churchill) Pittman, Regina Park, Brothers: Ralph (Olive) Ellsworth, Alfred (Lorraine) Ellsworth, Ivan (Debbie) Ellsworth, sisters and brother in law: Jessie Anderson, Gloria Wheeler and Edward House and a large circle of nieces, nephews and friends.

“Aubrey had a number of loves in his life ... he gave his heart to his wife and family, his church and being a farmer. He was an accountant, a teacher, a lay reader, and an Ayrshire Dairy Farmer. He was featured on an episode of Land and Sea and in 2002 he was inducted into the Atlantic Agricultural Hall of Fame, a major accomplishment in his life. His herd of Ayrshires brought many prestigious awards. These were his life’s work. He was loved by many and will be forever missed by his family and friends”.

Visitation for family and friends will be held on Thursday, January 19th, at Fillatre’s Funeral Home, 4 St Mark’s Avenue, from the hours of 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm. Funeral will take place on Friday January 20th at 2 pm at Fillatre’s Funeral Home Chapel, 4 St Mark’s Avenue with interment to follow at Mt Patricia Cemetery. Donations in Aubrey’s memory can graciously be made to the Kids with Cancer Society. 
Ellsworth, William AUBREY (I2043)
708 William Henry was living in Apsey Beach when married in 1906. Stickland, William Henry (I2114)
709 William is mentioned numeroustimes in the diary of Minister William Marshall 1839-1842. He is in the company and host of the minster numerous times.

Stickland, William (I3314)
710 William Patrick's date of birth on his attestation papers is April 22, 1877, however, we have vital statistics records of James being baptized June 16, 1877, only 2 months later! Why wasn't William Patrick also baptized at that time if he was just born? What dates are incorrect?

Age at death was reported as 48. This would put his birth around 1872. Was he the oldest of the Kirby children and 1877 was incorrect on attestation papers? Also, William's brother Philip born approx 1873 is listed as the second oldest on their father's probate records.  
Kirby, William Patrick (I4881)
711 William possibly died while in youth, since there was another William Thomas born after him. (1899) Park, William Thomas (I2351)
712 William was a cooper, the occupation being learned from his father, and he operated a cooperage out of his backyard on Pearce Avenue.  Kirby, William WILL (I1063)
713 William's daughter Amy was born around 1867-1870. House, William Henry (I2338)
714 Wilson celebrated his 95th birthday in Lumsden at the home of his son, Lawrence, just a few days before Larry's tragic death by drowning when the 15-metre steel tugboat, Checkmate III, sank about 12 kilometres north of Baccalieu Island while in transit from Wesleyville to St. John's. Parsons, Martin "Wilson" (I231)
715 With her loving and devoted family holding her hands, Dawn passed away peacefully in Kingston, Ontario on October 28th, 2014 at the young age of 34. Dawn is predeceased by her grandparents, Jerome Cleary, Richard and Agnes Eddy and special aunt Judy Eddy. Celebrating her life and cherishing every minute we had with her are her husband Albert, her parents Glenn and Elaine, her brother Richard and his wife Jen, nephews Liam and Evan and her grandmother Catherine Cleary. Dawn is also remembered by her mother-in-law Beatrice Lafleur (Michel Boucher), father-in-law Bill Mannard and brother-in-law William Mannard (Marta Hung). Dawn will be forever loved and missed by all her relatives and friends both near and far. Our family invite you to come and share your happy memories of Dawn on Monday November 3 from 10:00 am - 9:00 pm at Cauls Funeral Home 84 LeMarchant Rd. We will say farewell to Dawn on Tuesday, November 4th at 11:00 am at Cauls Chapel. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Young Adult Cancer Canada at www.youngadultcancer.ca/donate Cleary, Dawn Michelle (I4915)
716 With profound sadness and broken hearts, we announce the passing of Henry Dyer Hurdon, devoted husband, father, and son, who died peacefully in his sleep on the morning of May 18, 2020 at the age of 56 years. Henry is lovingly remembered by his best friend and wife Christine; parents Marge and Jim; daughters Amanda and Rachel; step-son Jeremy; brothers Rod and Robert; and special nephew Mike. He is also remembered by his sister-in-law Cynthia (John); brother-in-law Conrad (Amelia); mother-in-law Barbara, Christine's stepmother Dora, and numerous other aunts, uncles, nephews, cousins, and friends. He is predeceased by his brother Randy.

Henry often spoke fondly about his childhood years growing up in Thunder Bay. He enjoyed entertaining us all with the stories of mischief he got into with his three older brothers at the ski hill, at the rink, and at the family cottage on Lake Superior. Henry's intellect and love of technology guided him to a degree in electrical engineering from Lakehead University, and he went on to a career that he thoroughly enjoyed designing hardware products for several engineering companies in Ottawa. In his later career, he absolutely loved developing relationships with business associates from all over the world. Nobody worked harder than Henry, and you could always count on him to be genuine and honest.

Henry's laugh was the kind that spread around the room. He was a gentle soul who saw beauty in the world around him. His optimism and bright outlook on life was a marvel even as he struggled with health problems these last few years. Henry was the type of person who lived fully in the present, always looking for the next fun family event or planning the next winter trip to the Caribbean. Kind and generous, he would get excited about his latest Costco find and fill his cart so he could share his excitement with family and friends. He thoroughly enjoyed watching all kinds of movies, scuba and snorkeling, driving while singing along with the radio loudly playing country or pop music, dog walks, and -- of course -- Tim Horton's. He loved animals, having owned several cats and Labrador Retrievers that he held dear over the years, and would often take his naps cuddled up with the family dog. Most of all, he loved spending time with family and could always be counted on to help with any kind of problem. Our dear, sweet Henry will be forever missed. 
Hurdon, Henry Dyer (I6495)
717 witness: Charles Wareham and George Thomas Family: John Wareham / Dinah Milley (F362)
718 Witnesses James Sparks and Thomas Youden
Married by W.E. Shenstone 
Family: Stephen Sparkes / Rebecca Pomeroy (F1627)
719 Witnesses John and Mary Spracklin Family: Thomas Burns / Jemima Sparkes (F1631)
720 Witnesses Thomas Youden and Stephen Sparkes
Married by John Snowball 
Family: James Sparkes / Mary Ann Ratcliffe / Radcliffe (F1632)
721 Witnesses:
Garland West, Rita Joue? Jool? 
Family: Simon Dart / Evelyn West (F1612)
722 Witnesses:
Robert Weeks
Robert Wilcox 
Family: William "John" Weeks / Maria Sparkes (F1649)
723 Witnesses: Andrew Fahey, Ellen Dunn, married by Rev. J. Dalton Family: Philip Fahey / Sarah Agnes Hurley (F897)
724 Witnesses: Cater and Nellie Weste Family: Allan Weste / Virtue Gillingham (F537)
725 Witnesses: Chas. [Charles] S. Ellsworth and Emma Ellsworth
Married by C.W. Hollands 
Family: George Ellsworth / Alice Susannah Dodd (F918)
726 Witnesses: James Penney and Ambrose Sparkes Family: James Youden Sparkes / Jessie Penny (F1628)
727 Witnesses: James Y. Sparkes and Moses Sparkes Family: John Sparkes / Emma Penny (F1394)
728 Witnesses: Jno. [John] Parsons and Rosanna Park
Married by Rev H Pelty 
Family: William Henry Stickland / Elizabeth Jane Park (F661)
729 Witnesses: Joseph Kelly and Henry Kelly
Married by Thomas Harris 
Family: Ambrose Sparkes / Mary Kelly (F1248)
730 Witnesses: Joseph West and Thomas Scammell Jr.
Residence at time of marriage: Western Arm 
Family: William Spencer / Victoria West (F1605)
731 Witnesses: Moses Sparks and Thomas Youden
Married by John Snowball 
Family: Henry Youden / Drusilla Sparkes (F1626)
732 Worked as a mechanic Davis Jr., George Packingham (I2199)
733 worked at the post office Park, Annie Mabel (I2134)
734 Y-DNA testing of some of the male descendants of Joseph West indicate a relation to the surname Hall, West is only in recent generations. Therefore, it is possible this is the birth record of Joseph West:

Name Joseph Hall West
Sex Male
Christening Date 21 Sep 1806
Christening Place Christchurch, Hampshire, England
Christening Place (Original) Christchurch, Hampshire, England
Father's Name Joseph Hall
Mother's Name Elizabeth West
[it was reported in Ancestry.ca that he was 3 years old at the time of baptism - see second cited source below]

Source 1: "England, Hampshire Parish Registers, 1538-1980," database, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QGQL-3CTT : 13 February 2021), Joseph Hall West, 21 Sep 1806; citing Christening, , Lancashire Record Office and Hampshire Record Office, England; FHL microfilm 1,041,289. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QGQL-3CTT

Source 2: Ancestry.com. England & Wales, Christening Index, 1530-1980 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2008.

Original data: Genealogical Society of Utah. British Isles Vital Records Index, 2nd Edition. Salt Lake City, Utah: Intellectual Reserve, copyright 2002. Used by permission.

Name: Joseph Hall
Gender: Male
Christening Age: 3
Birth Date: abt 1803
Christening Date: 21 Sep 1806
Christening Place: Christchurch, Hampshire, England
Father: Joseph Hall
Mother: Elizabeth West

March 2025: I have followed the descendants of Elizabeth's presumed family and there are no DNA matches to anyone in that line. Presumed family: John West and Mary Best, sister Ann c 1783, brother George b.1792. Could be that this family is incorrect for Elizabeth or she isn't the mother of the Joseph west that is my ancestor.

HOWEVER, Philips is also a name associated with the Y-DNA so research continues.... 
West, Joseph (I1)
735 Zacharias was 20 when married on 18 May 1906. He was living in McIvers at the time. Parsons, Zacharias (I2369)

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